Nsave Self-Install


Once you have completed the Sign Up Now form your request will be processed. When the account has been processed you will get an email response to your request and you can return to this page to start the installation.

NOTE: Users who download the Windows installers on either Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge may have issues with their browsers changing the file extension from .msi to .man. If you encounter this issue, download the file by right-clicking and selecting "Save As". Then, change the file extension from .man to .msi. Chrome or FireFox browsers do not have this issue.

WINDOWS Installers

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8, 8.1
  • Windows 7

Windows Installer- 64BIT

Windows Manuals

Windows 64BIT manual 

MACINTOSH installers

  • OS X 10.13
  • OS X 10.14
  • OS X 10.15

Macintosh installer 


Mac installation manual

Linux installer

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 64-bit (also known as Red Hat 7)
  • Ubuntu 14.04 (64-bit) or higher
  • Install libgconf-2-4
Linux installer

Linux Manual

Linux installation manual